Category Discussions

On this category you will learn many tips, discussions regarding on how to reduce tax legally, money matters and other discussions that would help you to fully understand the Philippine Tax System.

Contractual Employee vs. Permanent Employee

contractual employee vs permament employee

Are you an employer or employee trying to determine whether it's better to hire permanent or contractual employees? Every type of work comes with its own set of perks and drawbacks that you should consider. In this blog post, we'll be exploring the key differences between these two types of workers so that you can decide which one is right for you. 

Cheapest Cars Philippines 2023: Top 15 Picks Under 1M

couple buying cheapest cars philippines.

Having your first car in the Philippines can be daunting, considering that you need to deal with additional costs such as taxes and paperwork. But don't worry! On this list of Cheapest Cars Philippines, we included 15 best picks - all for under 1 million pesos! Whether you're looking for something affordable or just trying to stretch your budget to get more features within the price range - no matter what you'll need from your car - there will be something here that suits your needs