Category Tips

In this category you will different tips on how to mnimize or reduce your tax legally in the Philippines. In this category you will find what are the ways that could contribute not only to earn money but it will hep help you to minimize your expenses.

Some of the tips are on how to prepare annual inventory listing, what to do when there is a notice of discrepancy, how to register your business as BMBE or barangay micro business enterprise, how to register your business in the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

In addition, you will learn also on how to apply your taxpayer identifation number of TIN manually and online using ereg BIR system.

If you’re student, this category will help you how to improve your study in taxation, how to focus during reviews and other tips that could help you to achive your goal or to pass as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

SSS Sickness Notification Form 2022

woman who is sick from her employment filing a sss sickness notification form

Are you feeling sick? If so, there's a good chance you can take advantage of the SSS Sickness Notification Form to get some relief. This form is designed to help members claim sickness benefits, and it's not too difficult to use. In fact, we're going to show you how easy it is in this blog post. Keep reading for all the details!​

PhilHealth Contribution 2022

philhealth contribution online 2022

Did you know that the PhilHealth contribution for both employees and employers increased up to 4%. That's right, starting this year, the rates go up so it's important to start preparing now. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the new rates and what you can do to make sure you're ready for them. Stay tuned!

13th Month Pay Calculator Philippines

text showing 13th month pay calculator

Did you know that in the Philippines, employers are required to give their employees a 13th month pay? The amount of this extra salary payment depends on a few factors, including the employee's length of service and compensation. If you're not sure how to calculate your 13th month pay, don't worry - we've got a 13th month pay calculator for you. Read more!