The Perfect Online Job for Students in the Philippines

woman looking for online jobs for students philippines

Are you looking for ways to make money while studying in the Philippines? Online jobs for students Philippines may be just what you need. With the explosion of options available on the internet, there are now many great opportunities for students worldwide to earn an income from their homes. Here’s how you can start making money today with online jobs for students in the Philippines!

Top Online Jobs for Students in the Philippines

Online jobs for students in the Philippines are abundant, offering a great way to make money while studying. Here are nine of the top online jobs that you can do from the comfort of your own home:

1. Freelance Writing

If you have good writing skills and can create content on different topics, then freelance Writing is one of the best online jobs for students in the Philippines. You can find many opportunities on websites like Upwork and Freelancer or other job boards. The basic freelance writing rate per hour is around P200-P250, depending on your experience level. To succeed in this type of job, you will need excellent grammar and punctuation skills and an ability to research topics effectively and write quickly without sacrificing quality.

2. Virtual Assistant

Companies often hire virtual assistants to help manage their day-to-day tasks, such as answering emails, scheduling meetings, and updating social media accounts. This job requires strong organizational skills, an eye for detail, basic computer knowledge, and fluency with online applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Office Suite. The average rate per hour for a virtual assistant is around P150-P180.

3. Data Entry

For those with excellent typing speed and accuracy, data entry is another popular online job for students in the Philippines. You will need to be comfortable working with large amounts of information and proficient at finding errors when verifying the accuracy of data inputted into a database or spreadsheet program. The average hourly rate for data entry is around P140-P170, depending on your experience level.

4. Online Tutoring

Many companies offer tutoring services online where they hire subject experts to assist students in specific subjects such as math, science, or English language arts from all over the world via video conferencing software such as Skype or Google Hangouts. You must possess strong communication skills and a solid grasp of the subject matter you are teaching to succeed in this job – all while making around P230-P250 per hour!

5. Customer Service Representative

Companies often hire customer service representatives who answer customer inquiries via phone or email from home (or any place with internet access). You will need good problem-solving skills and excellent verbal communication abilities to ensure customers’ complaints are handled promptly – all while making approximately P160-P180 per hour!

6. Social Media Manager

With so many businesses now relying heavily on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, managing these accounts has become essential for businesses across all industries looking to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape! As a social media manager, you’ll be responsible for creating content, researching target audiences, and visiting up-to-date trending topics across various platforms while making around P200-P220 per hour!

7. Copywriting/Content Writing

Those with an eye for creativity and good grammar skills can opt to work as copywriters or content writers, where they generate compelling copy that appeals directly to target audiences – whether through blog posts or website pages (or even product descriptions). A copywriter/content writer requires strong writing abilities and an understanding of SEO tactics –all while earning approximately P190-P210 per hour!

8. Transcription/Translation Services

If you possess native fluency in both English & Filipino languages, then transcription & translation services could be great side gigs that offer flexible hours! These roles require accuracy & attention to detail, and software knowledge – all while earning roughly P150-$170 depending upon experience level & workload volume.

9. Graphic Designing/Video Editing

Those with a knack for designing & video editing can opt for these roles, which involve creating visuals & videos and designing logos & banners using Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. This position requires good technical proficiency alongside creative design capabilities –all while making roughly between P190-$210 per hour!

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Online Platforms offer Online Jobs for Students in the Philippines.

Several online platforms offer online jobs for students in the Philippines. These include freelancing sites, virtual assistant companies, online tutoring services, and customer service providers. Let’s look at each platform, their benefits and drawbacks, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Freelancing Sites (Upwork,, and online jobs. ph)

These websites provide job postings from employers worldwide looking to hire Filipino workers for various tasks such as data entry, copywriting, graphic design, and video editing.

The advantage of using these sites is that you can set up your hours according to your availability and work from any location with an internet connection – plus, you get paid directly through the platform once the job is completed! However, finding consistent work on these sites can be challenging as there is a lot of competition from other freelance workers from different countries who may be willing to accept lower rates than you are offering.

Virtual Assistant Companies (Virtual Staff Finder, fiver, online jobs. ph)

These companies typically provide pre-screened Filipinos with experience in various fields such as customer service, marketing, and web development who can do short-term or long-term assignments depending on the employer’s needs. With this setup, you don’t need to worry about finding clients; instead, they will already have clients lined up for you when you join! This is great if you want consistent work, but it requires some investment before starting – usually around P750-P1000 per month.

Online Tutoring Services (preply,jobstreet,upwork,,, and indeed)

These services allow tutors to sign up and advertise their teaching skills through their website or app, where students can browse profiles and select a tutor based on their qualifications & hourly rate. You will need to have solid subject knowledge to stand out against other tutors & convince potential students why they should choose you – plus, it helps if you specialize in specific areas such as math or science! While this type of job offers flexible hours & decent pay (around P230-P250 per hour), finding consistent teaching gigs may take time & effort.

Customer Service Providers (LiveChat Inc., Zendesk, etc.)

For those looking for more full-time employment opportunities, customer service providers like LiveChat Inc., Zendesk & others often hire “agents” who answer customer inquiries either via phone calls or emails – usually working remotely from home – with flexible hours & competitive pay rates depending upon experience level (typically around P160-P180 per hour). The benefit is that many companies require little training since most customer queries follow standard scripts, making this perfect for people without experience! However, many customer service representatives complain about dealing with unpleasant customers, so bear this in mind if considering this line of work.

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Tips on Applying for Online Jobs for Students in the Philippines

Before applying for online jobs, read these tips from experienced freelancers.

Create an attractive profile. Your profile should include your skills, experiences, and a portfolio of samples. Make sure you have keywords that will help employers find you easily.

Stay organized: Always be on time when applying for online jobs. Being punctual is essential as it shows potential employers you are reliable and responsible.

Be patient: Finding the right job might take time but keep going! Keep looking for new opportunities, and don’t hesitate to apply for multiple positions if necessary.

Select a suitable job offer: Make sure that the job offers you are applying for suit your skills and experiences. Be bold and ask questions or negotiate if necessary.

Be Professional: Always approach employers with professionalism and politeness, as this will help increase your chances of getting hired!

Create a personalized application for each client: Create a personalized and concise application for each job you apply for. This will show that you are genuinely interested in the position and have taken the time to read through the offer carefully.

Follow up: Once you send out your application, follow up with employers to ensure it has been received. This is essential as it shows employers you are eager to work and committed to getting hired!

Don’t give up: Applying for online jobs can be difficult and time-consuming, but don’t give up. With enough patience and determination, you will find the perfect job!

Work hard: Once hired, always put in your best effort. This will help you build a positive reputation and ensure potential employers remember you for future job opportunities!

Be punctual: Make sure to always be on time and meet deadlines. This will show employers that you are reliable and responsible.


Online jobs are becoming increasingly popular in the Philippines, particularly among students. Many online jobs offer flexible hours and competitive pay rates, making them perfect for those looking to supplement their income or gain valuable experience. As with any job search, it is essential to ensure you have a strong profile & portfolio before applying for any position & always remain professional when interacting with employers. With enough patience, determination, and hard work, you can find an online job that suits your skills and preferences!

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