Six Tips to Study Taxation

How do you study taxation? Do you memorize all the tax rates, tax base, and different rulings? If you are doing that, there is nothing wrong with that. Have in thought that taxation is not only a law, but it’s a combination of analysis and laws. Many students find it challenging to study taxation, and many of those students are doing the wrong way to learn taxation.

If you agree with me, many of the students who took the CPA board exam failed to pass because most of them failed in taxation. And we know that if a person failed in that subject, it means either lack of study or not having an effective way of studying.

I know you already have ways to study taxation, but you will be surprised that what you’re doing is not practical because you are still looking for advice on doing it correctly. However, if you’re doing it well, continue.

Six (6) Proper Ways on how to Study Taxation

There are many reasons why studying taxation gives you a lot of stress. First, you might agree that taxation is a law subject. Honestly, laws are sometimes hard to understand because of the many legal terms you need to understand. It has many tax rates to memorize. Lastly, it involves comprehensive problems.

Having an effective study habit in taxation has a more significant impact on taking the CPA board exams. If you’re having difficulties in studying this subject, don’t give up. There is still a time where you can improve your performance in your taxation subject. These tips won’t guarantee that you will be a tax genius, but they will only help you to enhance your study habit in this subject.

If you have other ways to study taxation and share with us, don’t hesitate to type those tips in the comment below. We’ll love to hear that. Here are some practical steps according to the author:

Tip # 1: Know your objective.

Knowing your purpose or objective will help you to have a positive and enthusiastic in studying taxation. Studying taxation without it is like driving without the route. So next to me, your study set a goal.

You can ask yourself: Why should I study taxation? What can I get from studying this subject?

Asking those questions will help you to realize and see the importance of studying this subject. It will help you also to make necessary adjustments, if any.

Tip # 2: Avoid Distractions During Classes

Most of the student doesn’t pay attention to the discussion especially if the subject is not exciting or challenging. Furthermore, many students are distracted by social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may use your cell phone is recording or taking notes but make sure it will not cause any distraction.

Tip # 3: Don’t Just Listen! Prepare

Many students get bored during the discussion because they can’t catch up with the lesson. Sometimes, many students will say that their professor is talking fast, but the problem is not about the professor nor the subject but the preparation.

Why not try this tip? Before attending your taxation class, make sure you read your textbook and be amazed at the result.

Tip # 4: Give more Time to Study Taxation

Finding a comfortable place where you read silently will help you to stay focus on your studies. You may comfortable studying at night where your roommates are no longer awake or in some places where designate as a study area but make sure you should stay awake from your friends. Others make it comfortable for them to study early in the morning.

Time doesn’t matter but what matters is your comfort. Find your comfortable place to study.

Tip # 5: Read the Latest Updates

Reading one book will make you bored, but it will help you to understand more about taxation. There are many books to read; you may also read tax jurisprudence for some tax cases. You can also read the latest tax issuances on the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) website.

Tip # 6: Practice, Practice!

One of the reasons why taxation is challenging to study is having comprehensive and complicated problems and solutions. Don’t solve multiple-choice problems but be patient in solving extensive issues. Solving extensive matters will help you to apply what you have learned.

You can solve problems from different books and understand the concepts, not memorizing the answers to each situation. Solving comprehensive problems will develop your analytical skills, and lastly, it will help you be more patient in solving long issues. If you’re having difficulties in solving estate tax problems, here are a few steps that you should know.

If you’re planning to start your review to prepare for CPA board exams, these tips will help you stay productive during your review sessions.


In summary, you will enjoy your study by first, knowing why you’re learning and doing this. Second, avoid distractions during classes. Third, don’t just listen to the discussion but make yourself prepared in style by reading in advance and make your understanding wider. Lastly, don’t just read and listen, but you must apply what you have learned by solving problems.

 If you have other effective ways of studying taxation and you want to share with us, feel free to drop your comments below. 

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